You are going to create a movie like poster of an epic urban cityscape. I know some of you already possess significant Photoshop skills so this should be fun. For those you who don't feel as confident I have pointed you in the direction of some videos you might find help. Do not hesitate to ask others in the class how to do things! You learn best from your peers. I will of course be there if you get stuck.
I have included the files you can manipulate in the zipfolder below that is not to say you can't find your own if you wish.
I also included the zip file of some grunge brushes. The tutorial doesn't need to be handed in but your own version of the poster showing you understand layering opacity and black and white adjustment layers, as well as, selecting pieces of an image, Photoshop brushes needs to be handed in on MOODLE.
You can find step by step written instructions on what to do at the following link. I tried this one and really liked it. I did play with the adjustment layer setting to get something I liked more. Feel free to mess with it a bit. Have fun.
Urban cityscape
I have included the files you can manipulate in the zipfolder below that is not to say you can't find your own if you wish.
I also included the zip file of some grunge brushes. The tutorial doesn't need to be handed in but your own version of the poster showing you understand layering opacity and black and white adjustment layers, as well as, selecting pieces of an image, Photoshop brushes needs to be handed in on MOODLE.
You can find step by step written instructions on what to do at the following link. I tried this one and really liked it. I did play with the adjustment layer setting to get something I liked more. Feel free to mess with it a bit. Have fun.
Urban cityscape
choose one
The very basics! |
Finishing |