(center of interest) is an area that first attracts attention in a composition. This area is more important when compared to the other objects or elements in a composition. This can be by contrast of values, more colors, and placement in the format.
Where does your eye look first in this photo? Why does your eye go there first?
Often times, artist will use contrast to help create an "emphasis" point in their piece. Your eye probably went to the brownish orange leaf first rather than the gray brick background. The leaf is bright which makes it stand out from the gray (dull) bricks. Also, the brick has a rough surface, while the leaf has a smooth surface. The combination of these two things helps emphasize the leaf. (Photo Provided by Photos8) |
Where does your eye look first in this photo? Why does your eye go there first?
This photo is very similar to the leaf one in that the photographer make the photo black in white except for the violin. Another thing that the photographer does to draw "emphasis" on the violin is to zoom in close on it. As you can see the violin is zoomed in so that it stretches from the upper left corner all the way down to the lower right corner. (Photo Provided by Photos8) |
Assignment |
Where does your eye look first in this photo? Why does your eye go there first?
You probably looked at the center (brown portion) of the flower first. Like the photo above, the photographer (Jon Sullivan) zoomed in on this flower. The flower is bright and in focus, while the background is dark and blurry. This contrast makes the center of the flower the focal point of the photo. |
- Demonstrate your understanding of this concept with 2 photographs one portrait and one landscape
- Attach the marking rubric to your assignment